I'm abstaining on this for the purpose of killing it until the meeting and am asking my fellow members to join me until we get a treasurers report. This request is a little different than the last in that it's reorganizing the buckets instead of adding to one but right now we have absolutely no hold on our finances.
I'm sure there are going to be those on this board who disagree with me but in a pre-buttal I'll say if any one of us or even a business much bigger than this organization went to a financial advisor or auditor and told the auditor at the beginning they had a good grasp on their own financials then later the auditor found a $5,000 bank account and was told "Oh I don't know what that is, I just found it, we're calling it the zombie account." It would be reasonable for the auditor to lose their shit at the idea that the person being audited had a good grasp on their own financials. I'm not saying our financials are bad, I'm not saying they are good, I am saying we don't know and I need to know before I even feel equipped to discuss adjusting budgets.
Since this is rearranging and not allocating a new bucket I will ask four question that may soften my resolve on this point.
@Amanda Gibbs is there a need and intent to spend this newly allocated money before the SLEC meeting?
If yes, on what?
If yes, how much?
Lastly, if yes, can it be done from discretionary for now and then reallocated at the meeting?