As the person who was doing the reconciliations in 2016 and cleaned it up then (with regular help from Ana) I'm completely sympathetic to what you are saying. I'm also not surprised at what you are finding, though I was hoping to be. Most importantly, I want to applaud you here; the transparency about the situation is refreshing and much-needed progress. Now, due praise and sympathy out of the way, there is work to do, as you're well aware. I personally know that in the 2014 term, when we switched the bank accounts, one of the things that were helpful was it killed the QBO connection to the old bank accounts, allowing the old unreconciled transactions to fall off.and us move forward with correct balances and budget tracking after that. I know we have switched banks at least once since then, so it may be that a similar reset has already occurred sometime post-2016, but I am not sure. Is there a plan in place to get us back on track? Is it possible to reconcile back to the point of the account change and let everything prior just sit where it lies? Would it possibly be prudent to just go move to new accounts and start reconciling moving forward? Most importantly, is there anything this body or I personally can do to help?
I hope you don't feel called out by being questioned further but for good or bad, in public, is where SLEC does it's business and while I very much appreciate you taking this on and the transparency that is already coming forward, we have a job to do and there will be no world where the body just accepts silence on our financials. You would not have accepted it when you were a rep, and we will not now. It would be grossly negligent of us if we did. Any further information you have at this time is much appreciated as well as any information you get between now and the meeting.