SLEC Meeting 2/1/25

It is still live. Andrew had final convos with Hearst as I was in the hospital when we finalized. It was never gonna be a money maker but supposed to be educational. This is what we have been given by Hearst. https://hearststorystudio.studiosta...62e267cb6b6f33f723bcba229d0001d8024ae0ca6914e
For what it's worth, those are some solid numbers. I would be interested to see (granted, not for this meeting) how those users interacted with our site after they landed. Where did they go? How many engaged with a CTA? What did they view last before bouncing?
The February SLEC meeting (and training the next day) will be held at the Fredericksburg Inn & Suites. We should have a booking link by this weekend; it will be posted as soon as we have it.

The group room rate is $199, but there's no attrition, so not a problem if anyone wants to find a cheaper room nearby.

Hope everybody is enjoying the holiday break and gearing up to have a very happy New Year!
I just checked in they do not seem to know… I wanted to see the meeting room. Fyi
Sorry Kevin, that's old information. There was a conflict and we switched to Sunday House for guest rooms and Hampton Inn for meeting space. (They're next door to each other.) Several folks are also staying at the Super 8 across the street or at airbnb's.